For industry candle makers (making and selling) in Northern Ireland, the adoption of Annex VIII of the CLP regulations became regulation in January 2021.
I want to confirm all Highview & Blossom products placed to market on and after 1st January 2021 are fully compliant with Annex VIII.
What does this mean for the customer?
- Brand integrity & ethical working culture
- Delivering best industry standards
- Company compliance with ECHA and PNCP reporting
- Products clearly labelled with warning triangles where appropriate
- Company contact details clearly labelled
- UFI number clearly labelled where appropriate
- Product CLP & UFI data on
- Highview & Blossom Safety Data Sheets in each fragrance
- Comprehensive technical files
I will continue to be agile in our response to ensure Highview & Blossom products meet all future regulatory updates.
Jacki Urey - Owner